
所有游戏体育俱乐部规则与条款 :

  1. 俱乐部级别,所需积分,奖励和积分乘数如下方表格 :
      黄金级30 000121.25x
      铂金级250 000111.5x
      钛金级750 000122x
      钻石级3 750 000无限3x
  2. 所有网站支持的加密货币真钱投注都可赚取俱乐部积分。
  3. 当您使用加密货币下出体育投注或玩娱乐场游戏旋转时,将获得俱乐部积分。为了方便计算所有投注的积分,您的投注额将在结算时,按照实时市场汇率被自动转换成 USDT 。这样是为了保证不管您使用何种加密货币,积分都会以公平的方式结算。因为汇率为实时波动,我们在进行积分计算时时,将会四舍五入只至最接近的整数金额。

    体育投注积分是根据您的有效投注额来计算的 。有效投注额又根据您的实际投注金额 (您在投注清单上输入的金额), 注单赔率,和输赢结果而所有不同。一般计算公式如下:
    15 * 有效投注额 * 积分乘数

    在大多数情况下,有效投注额为您在投注清单上输入的金额 。 然而,又一种例外情况。就是当您的注单赔率低于2.00的时候,您的有效投注额为此注单的净利润。(净利润 = 赢利总额 - 投注额)。


    示例 1, 以2.00或更高赔率赢得注单 : 假设当前 1 mBTC 至 USDT 的汇率为7.9547,而您目前为青铜级玩家 (积分乘数为1x)。 你下出了赔率为 2.00的1 mBTC 注单,如果您赢得此单,则您的有效投注额为您的实际投注金额,在这里为1 mBTC ,换算成USDT为7.9547。 这表示您该注单的积分为120。

    15 * 7.9547 * 1 = 119.3205 (四舍五入后为120 )

    示例 2, 以低于2.00的赔率赢得注单: 假设当前 1 mBTC 至 USDT 的汇率为7.9547,而您目前为青铜级玩家 (积分乘数为 1x)。 你下出了赔率为 1.50的1 mBTC 注单,则您的有效投注额为实际投注金额减掉利润(您的净利润) ,在这里为0.50 mBTC。 转换成 USDT 后为4。 这表示您该注单的积分为60。
    15 * 3.97735 * 1 = 59.66025 (四舍五入后为60)

    示例 3, 以任何赔率输掉注单 : 假设当前 1 mBTC 至 USDT 的汇率为7.9547,而您目前为青铜级玩家 (积分乘数为 1x)。 你下出了赔率为 2.00的1 mBTC 注单,并输掉此单。则您的有效投注额为您 的实际投注金额,在本例中为1 mBTC, 换算成 USDT 为7.9547。 这表示您该注单的积分为120。
    15 * 7.9547 * 1 = 119.3205 (四舍五入后为120 )

    示例 4, 半赢注单 : 如果您的注单被结算为半赢,您将收到根据全赢注单可得积分的一半。 根据以上示例1中的汇率和投注金额 (以2.00或更高赔率赢得注单 ), 如果您的注单结算为半赢,则可积得60分。

    示例 5, 半输注单 : 与半赢注单相同,如果您的注单结算为半输, 您将收到根据全输注单可得积分的一半。
    根据以上示例3中的汇率和投注金额(以任意赔率输掉注单), 如果您的注单结算为半输,则可积得60分。

    用严谨的数学公式来表达,有效投注额应这样计算: 有效投注额= MIN(ABS(GGR USDT), USDT 投注额)


    以下体育类别将排除在体育俱乐部之外,在这些类别中下出的注单不会贡献积分: 赛马,虚拟体育,体育竞猜大师 。
    娱乐场游戏 :
    与体育投注积分计算方法一样,娱乐场的投注积分也以换算成 USDT 的实际投注额为基础,以下出注单时的汇率为准。这样是为了保证不管您使用何种加密货币,积分都会以公平的方式结算。娱乐场游戏的积分计算公式如下:
    5 * 实际 USDT 投注额 * 级别积分乘数

    如果您为青铜级会员 (积分乘数为1x) ,在娱乐场下出了1 mBTC (换成 USDT 后写作 7.9547 USDT) 的游戏旋转,不论结果输赢,您都将 得到 40分。
    5 * 7.9547 * 1 = 39.7735 分 (四舍五入为40分)。

    注意: 并不是所有娱乐场游戏都可以为您生成俱乐部积分,请查看体育俱乐部规则与条款中列出的被排除的游戏。
  4. 玩家可通过收集每个级别奖励所需的最少积分来解锁各级别奖励。您可以在体育俱乐部中,您的个人资料下查看即将获得的奖励和当前积分。各等级有不同数量的奖励。例如:为了获得银级,您需要收集3,750点积分,并且在次过程中,您将在钢铁级解锁一个奖励。您可以在免费投注,免费旋转,免费游戏和现金返还之间选择您更喜欢的奖励。
  5. 每次解锁奖励后,您都可以在以下类别中选择您更喜欢的奖励:
    - 免费投注
    - 免费旋转
    - 免费游戏
    - 现金返还
  6. 所有奖励都根据每个玩家的游戏偏好特征进行个性化设置。所以,奖励可能因用户而异。
  7. 当您拥有未使用奖励(即下注奖金)时,您的游戏将不会获得积分。只有在您用尽了奖励或放弃奖励之后,您才可以再次开始收集积分。
  8. 积分计算以 USDT 为单位进行。这意味着以任何其他货币进行的每个投注都将转换为USDT,以此为标准来计算此您的投注积分
  9. 体育投注的积分是在投注结算完成后才被计入的。对于复式投注,积分将在投注中的所有选择均结算完成后计算。
  10. 已使用了即时撤单功能的注单将不会贡献俱乐部积分。
  11. 只有结算为“胜”或“负”,“半赢” /“半输的体育投注才可以积分。被“作废”,“取消”的投注不会贡献积分。
  12. 如果注单因某种原因重新结算,那么积分将根据有利于您的方式调整 。

    示例 1: 如果赔率低于2.00的注单原先结算为“赢”,重新结算的结果是“输”,则您的积分将按“输”局计算积分,因为这样您得到的积分更多。

    示例 2. 如果赔率低于2.00的注单原先结算为“输”,重新结算的结果是“赢”,这种情况下,您的积分不变,因为输单的积分更多。

    示例 3: 如果您的注单原先结算被 “作废” 或 “取消”, 您的积分将按重新结算的“输”或“赢”的赛果进行结算。

  13. 俱乐部中不包括以下类别赛事,因此,在这些赛事上下的投注不会对您的积分有所帮助: 赛马 ,电竞体育和体育竞猜大师 , 电竞 。 

  14. 以下娱乐场游戏也不包括在俱乐部内,在这些游戏上下的投注不会对您的得分有所帮助:
      供应商 游戏
      AvatarUX Majestic Meow
      7Mojos Live 所有游戏
      All41 Le Kaffee Bar
      Asia Gaming 所有游戏
      Aviatrix Aviatrix
      BetGames.TV 所有游戏
      Creedroomz 所有游戏
      Gameart Diamond Magic
      Yellow Diver
      Lucky Loser
      Great Buffalo Megaways
      Betsoft True Illusions
      True Illusions
      Madder scientist
      Take The Shot
      Once Upon a Time
      Triple Cash or Crash
      The Hive
      Take the Vault Hold and Win
      Plinko Rush
      Olympus Plinko
      Stay Frosty
      Alkemor's Elements
      Mystic Hive
      Tower of Fortuna
      Spinfinity Man
      Legend of the Nile
      Take the Kingdom
      Take the Bank
      Take Santa's Shop
      Spinfinity Man
      At The Copan
      Dim Sum Prize
      Good Girl, Bad Girl
      Jungle Stripes
      Gypsy Rose
      Safari Sam
      After Night Falls
      Puppy Love Plus
      Greedy Goblins
      Lucky Seven
      Back to Venus
      Mr Macau
      Quest to the West
      Sugar Pop
      The Angler
      The True Sheriff
      Triple Juicy Drops
      Hat Trick Hero
      Lava Gold
      Total Overdrive
      Faerie Spells
      Yak, Yeti and Roll
      Sugar Pop 2
      Jumbo Joker
      Giovannis Gems
      Event Horizon
      Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
      Paco and the Popping Peppers
      2 Million B.C.
      Thai Blossoms
      Miles Belhouse and the Gears of time
      Super Sweets
      Viking Voyage
      Mamma Mia
      Under the Bed
      The Exterminator
      Mr. Vegas 2: Big Money Tower
      Take Olympus
      Bgaming All-Star Fruits
      Heads and Tails XY
      Heads and Tails
      Heads and Tails XY
      Street Power
      Mice and Magic
      Wild Heart
      Minesweeper XY
      Gift X
      Space XY
      Plinko XY
      Mine Gems
      Maneki 88 Gold
      Maneki 88 Fortunes
      Mice and Magic
      Wild Heart
      Rocket Dice XY
      Easter Plinko
      WBC Ring Of Riches
      Foxy Wild Heart
      Aztec Clusters
      Book of Pyramids
      Brave Viking
      Burning Chilli X
      Domnitors Deluxe
      Fire Lightning
      Fruit Million
      Hawaii Cocktails
      Hello Easter
      Hit the Route
      Kraken's Hunger
      Lucky Ducky
      Lucky Lady Moon
      Lucky Lady's Clover
      Merge Up
      Princess Royal
      Plinko 2
      Royal Fruits Multilines
      Rotating Element
      Savage Buffalo Spirit
      Scroll of Adventure
      Slot Machine
      Slotomon Go
      Top Eagle
      Tramp Day
      Tile Master
      Wild Chicago
      Wild Tiger
      Limbo XY
      Winter Fishing Club
      Bitblox 3 in a row
      Up or Down Turbo
      Blueprint Buffalo Rising Megaways VIP
      Diamond Mine Extra Gold VIP
      Fortunes of Ra
      Fortunes of Sparta
      Gorilla Gold Megaways: Power 4 slots
      Classic Fantastic
      Lotus Love
      Super Duper
      Bankin’ More Bacon
      Bounty Hunter Unchained
      Funky Buddha
      Hope Diamond
      King Kong Cash Even Bigger Bananas Megaways
      King Kong Cash Prize Lines
      Majestic Fury
      Stickermania Wild Rumble
      Saint Nicked
      The G.O.A.T
      Booming Games Billy Bob Boom
      ElaGames Plinko
      Push Shamrock Saints
      Samurai's Katana
      Wild Swarm
      Mad Cars
      Booongo God's Temple Deluxe
      Skywind Christmas Luck
      Fish Cashpot Deluxe
      Joker's Luck
      Joker's Luck Deluxe
      Halloween Luck
      Glücks Joker
      Triple Monkey
      Caleta Fate of Olympus
      Princess of the Ocean
      Dragon Rising
      Torch of Fire
      Banana Boom
      Jingle Bell Bingo
      Garoto de Ipanema Bingo
      Whale Bingo
      Piggy Show Bingo
      Bingo Royale
      Atlantis Bingo
      Trial of the Gods
      DB Livecasino All Games
      Fantasma Gold Pigger 2 Royal Snouts
      Habanero Marvelous Furlongsn
      Atomic Kittens
      Bomb Runner
      Calaveras Explosivas
      Candy Tower
      Christmas Gift Rush
      Disco Beats
      Dragon Tiger Gate
      Fruity Halloween
      Fruity Mayan
      Golden Unicorn Deluxe
      Laughing Buddha
      Legend of Nezha
      Lucky Durian
      Marvelous Furlongs
      Mighty Medusa
      Naughty Wukong
      New Year's Bash
      Nine Tails
      Orbs of Atlantis
      Rainbow Mania
      Return to the Feature
      Siren’s Spell
      Soju Bomb
      The Big Deal Deluxe
      Tooty Fruity Fruits
      Tuk Tuk Thailand
      Valentine Mochy
      Witches Tome
      Wizards Want War
      Zeus Deluxe
      Jellyfish Flow
      Jellyfish Flow Ultra
      Knockout Football Rush
      Loony Blox
      Magic Oak
      Fortune Dogs
      London Hunter
      Santas Village
      Rolling Roger
      Cake Valley
      Before Time Runs Out
      Flying High
      Skys the Limit
      eBet all games
      Evolution Evolution Live Benelux Slingshot (Auto-Roulette La Partage)
      Evoplay ent Goblin Run
      Save the Hamster
      Winfast Engeki Rising x50
      Pyramid Rising x33
      Foxium Astro Legends: Lyra and Erion
      Vampire: The Masquerade- Las Vegas
      Fugaso Magnify Man
      Romance V
      The Sword & The Magic
      Games Global Nugget Frenzy
      Ape Rulez
      Wheel of Winners Link and Win
      Piggy Bonanza
      Gold Blitz: Ultimate
      Joker Cash Uncovered
      More Unusual Catch
      Cairo Connectify Pays
      Links of Glory
      Stellar Gold
      Black Sails Wild Seas
      Gladiator Spoils of Victory
      Riptide Fishing
      Magnificent Power Apollo
      Gamomat Cutie Cat
      Forever Diamonds
      Fruit Love
      Fruit Rush
      Wild Rubies
      Wilds Gone Wild
      Atlantic Wilds
      5 Flaring Fruits
      Crystal Burst XXL
      Royal Seven Ultra
      Win Shooter
      Take 5
      Beer Party
      Book of Madness
      Book of Oasis
      20 Ember Wilds
      50 Flaring Fruits
      40 Finest XXL
      Lava Lions
      Duck Shooter
      20 Flaring Fruits
      Golden Hero Monster Domination
      Golden Race Golden Race
      Hacksaw Boxes Dare2Win
      Speed Crash
      Coins Dare2Win
      Plinko Dare2Win
      Mines Dare2Win
      Darwin Gaming Boxing Main Event
      Circuit Masters
      Crash Evolution
      Crash Evolution SinglePlayer
      Luva Super Gol Champions Edt F12
      Super Mine Bros
      Neon Plinko
      Penalty Crush
      Wasabi Whiskers
      MMine Crash
      JFTW Trojan Kingdom
      Scarab Kingdom
      Mr. Pigg E. Bank
      JDB Gaming Birds Party
      Birds Party Deluxe
      Caishen Fishing
      Chef Panda
      Dragon Fishing
      Dragon Fishing 2
      Dragon Master
      Dragons Gate
      Fighter Fire
      Firework Burst
      Fishing Yilufa
      Fortune Neko
      Galaxy Burst
      Lantern Wealth
      Miner Babe
      Orient Animals
      Shade Dragons Fishing
      Winning Mask II
      PGSoft Hood vs Wolf
      Dragon Legend
      Flirting Scholar
      Leprechaun Riches
      Muay Thai Champion
      Ninja vs Samurai
      Restaurant Craze
      Summon and Conquer
      Medusa 2: the Quest of Perseus
      Endorphina Lord of the Seas
      Lucky Streak X
      Oriental Dragon
      Kalamba all games
      Livegames.io Circus Roulette
      Hippodrome Widget
      Live Roulette
      Over Under
      RNG Roulette
      Turkish Roulette
      VIP Auto Roulette
      Mascot Across the Universe
      Quickfire Magic of Sahara
      Couch Potato
      Lucky Riches Hyperspins
      Oni Hunter Plus
      Retro Reels - Extreme Heat
      Peek-a-boo - 5 Reel
      Champions of Olympus
      Beautiful Bones
      Goldaur Guardians
      Rabbit in the Hat
      Microgaming 3 Stellar Bonanza
      Wanted Unusual Suspects
      Alpha Gods: Zeus
      Ammit Treasure
      Andvari the golden fish
      Bass Cash X UP
      FlyX Cash Booster
      Fishing Floats Connectify Pays
      Age of Conquest
      5 Star Knockout
      Viking Queen
      Stallion Kingdom
      Oink Farm 2
      Masters Of Valhalla
      Magical Reels
      Diamond Rush Expresss
      Bolt X UP
      Rabbit Fields
      4 Corners Of Rome
      Stumpy McDoodles 2
      Pile ’Em Up
      Oink Farm
      Wild Marlin!
      Ark of Ra
      Amazon Kingdom
      Cleopatra’s Golden Spells
      Jade Shuriken
      Money Mines
      Agnes Mission: Wild Lab
      Witch Feature
      Ticket to Riches
      Football Finals X
      Betty’s Big Bonanza
      Dr Watts Up
      Dragon’s Keep
      Masters of Olympus
      Adventure PIGGYPAYS El Dorado
      Golden Fields
      Storm to Riches
      Champions Of Olympus
      Fish ’Em Up
      Bling Bling Penguin
      4 Masks of Inca
      Multi Charm
      Dog Days
      Andvari: The Magic Ring
      Unusual Suspects
      Stellar 7s
      Massive Gold
      Triple Tiki Super Free Spins
      9 Enchanted Beans
      Candy Paradise
      Pile Em Up Frosty Sweets
      Oink Bankin
      Blazin Rails
      White Wolf Moon
      Vikings: The Saga of Fenrir
      Spinny McWinnagin Loot Boost
      Genie’s Link and Win 4Tune
      Riptide Pirates
      9 Enchanted Beans
      Amber Sterlings Mystic Shrine
      Golden Stallion
      Granny Vs Zombies
      Leprechaun Strike
      Tiki Tiki Boom
      Unusual Suspects
      Nolimit City The Creepy Carnival
      Outsourced: Slash Game
      Octoplay Bass Smash
      Caishen Smash
      Flaming Frenzy
      Gold Smash
      Mole Smash
      Santa Smash
      Sphere Smash
      Sweet Smash
      Bounty Smash
      Pip and Pippa's Pots of Plenty
      Northern Lights God of Fire
      Tiki Boom
      Netent Beach Invaders
      Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior
      Jingle Bells Bonanza
      Ticket to Wild
      Mummy Megaways
      The Wishmaster Megaways
      Rome The Golden Age
      Super Strike
      Pirates Party
      Wonders of Christmas
      Blood Suckers
      Jack Hammer 2: Fishy Business
      Steam Tower
      Serengeti Kings
      Scudamores Super Stakes
      Dragons Playground
      Rabid Randy
      Touchdown Treasures
      Mummy Megaways
      Lost Relics 2
      Gameburger 11 Champions
      Snowborn Studios Tippy Tavern
      OneTouch Roulette
      Roulette Pro
      Roulette High Roller
      Bonus Track
      Cash Galaxy
      Loot or Boot
      Steam Vault
      Fortune Minert
      Queens of Glory
      Queens of Glory Legacy
      Miko Festival
      Pawsome Plinko
      Flexing Dragons
      OnlyPlay F777 Fighter
      Limbo Cat 2
      When Lambo
      Piggy Tap
      Need For X
      Quantum X
      Juicy Crush
      Crystal Cascade
      Juicy Crush Halloween
      Myths of Bastet
      Lucky Punch
      Inca Son
      PlaynGo 15 Crystal Roses: A Tale of Love
      Bakers Treat
      Cloud Quest
      Gemix 2
      Mahjong 88
      Pearls of India
      Rage to Riches
      Rich Wilde and the Pearls of Vishnu
      Sea Hunter
      Sweet Alchemy
      Tower Quest
      Viking Runecraft
      Viking Runecraft Bingo
      Sweet Alchemy Bingo
      Spark of Genius
      Gunslinger Reloaded
      Tower Quest Legacy
      Playtech Triple Monkey
      Wild Lava
      Sinbad's Golden Voyage
      Zhao Cai Tong Zi
      Age Of The Gods: Mighty Midas
      Desert Treasure
      Easter Surprise
      Santa Surprise
      A Night Out
      Captain Treasure
      Football Rules
      Gaelic Luck
      Halloween Fortune
      Highway Kings
      Lotto Madness
      Funky Monkey
      Neptune's Kingdom
      Jacks or Better Multi-Hand
      Record Riches
      Fortune Day
      Arowanas Luck
      Monkey Mania
      Golden Ways
      Joker Poker
      Deuces Wild Multi-Hand
      Ugga Bugga
      Aces and Faces Multi-Hand
      Jacks or Better
      Phoenix 7 Wolf and Sheep Christmas Edition
      Peter & Sons Rome - The Conquerors
      Johnan Legendarian
      Robin - Sherwood Marauders
      Robin - Nottingham Raiders
      Wild One
      The Legend of Musashi
      Book of Books
      Thunder Hawk
      Peter Hunter
      Hammer of Gods
      Playson Solar Queen
      Solar King
      Bozo Cats
      Solar Queen Megaways
      Solar Temple
      Pragmatic Spaceman
      888 Bonanza
      Caishen's Gold
      Dragon Kingdom - Eyes of Fire
      Gold Train
      Mahjong Wins
      High Flyer
      Bronco Spirit
      Dragon Kingdom Eyes of Fire
      Jade Butterfly
      Golden Beauty
      Snakes and Ladders Megadice
      Big Bass Crash
      The Champions
      Pinup Girls
      Popiplay Wild Wild Bank
      Guns and Dragons
      Quickspin Big Bad Wolf
      Big Bad Wolf Christmas Special
      Dwarfs Gone Wild
      Shields of Lambda
      Treasure Island
      Crown of Valor
      Red Tiger all games
      RubyPlay Arabian Secret
      Blazing Tiger
      Book of 8 Riches
      Christmas Fortune
      Clovers of Luck
      Clovers of Luck 2
      Dragon Ladies
      Grand Express Action Class
      Grand Express Diamond Class
      Grand Express Fiesta
      Immortal Ways 88 Charms
      Immortal Ways Buffalo
      Immortal Ways Buffalo SE
      Immortal Ways Champions
      Immortal Ways Diamonds
      Immortal Ways Lady Moon
      Immortal Ways Luva
      Immortal Ways Piñata
      Immortal Ways Sweet Coin
      Loco Habanero
      Mayan Blaze
      More Dragon Ladies
      Mucho Loco Habanero
      New Year Happiness
      Prosperity Blessing
      Prosperity Journey
      Quest Of Gods
      Savage Lion
      Viking Crusade
      Relax Marching Legions
      Book of 99
      Beanstalk Grows Wild
      Epic Joker
      Hazakura Ways
      Marching Legions
      Mega Mine
      Money Cart
      Money Cart 2
      Shadow Summoner Elementals
      Sultan Spins
      Royal Potato
      Temple Tumble 2
      Curse of Ra
      5 Monsters
      Honey Hunters
      Book of 99
      Amusnet Wild Traces
      7777 Gaming Book of Thracians
      Club Mr. Luck
      Gingers and Gems
      Pearl of Egypt Kingdom
      Linko Party
      Revolver Irish Coins
      Thor of Asgard
      Split the Pot Rugby Run
      Smartsoft PlinkoX
      4 Bonuses Bonanza - Plinko Spin
      Book of Bonanza
      Dracula's Fortune
      Burning Ice
      Burning Ice 10
      Burning Ice 40
      Book of Futuria
      Christmas Slot
      Genie’s Bonanza
      Magic Garden
      Magic Garden 10
      Magic Garden 40
      The Kingdom of The Elves
      World War II
      Mine Island
      Rogue Happily Ever After
      Happy Holidays
      Spadegaming Fishing God
      Fishing War
      Space Crasher
      Alien Hunter
      5 Fortune Dragons
      Baby Cai Shen
      Brothers kingdom
      Cai Yuan Guang Jin
      Cai Shen 888
      Da Fu Xiao Fu
      Daddys Vacation
      Double Fortunes
      Drunken Jungle
      Festive Lion
      Fiery Sevens
      Fist of Gold
      Gangster Axe
      Gods Kitchen
      Gold Panther
      Golden Fist
      Golden Lotus SE
      Golden Monkey
      Golden Whale
      Highway Fortune
      Ho Yeah Monkey
      Indian Myth SA
      King The Lion Heart AS
      King Pharaoh
      Lion Emperor AS
      Lucky Meow
      Lucky Feng Shui
      Lucky Koi
      Magical lamp
      Mayan Gems
      Ming Dynasty
      Mr Chu Tycoon
      Princess Wang
      Prosperity Gods
      Safari King
      ShangHai 008
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