Formula 1
General Formula 1 betting rules
1. Unless otherwise stated in the market rules, the result at the time of the podium presentation is considered valid for settlement purposes.
2. Events being shortened due to weather conditions or other circumstances, but are deemed official by the governing association, will be settled accordingly.
3. If a race is postponed to another day (to be determined within UTC time zone) all markets are considered void.
4. Unless otherwise stated in the market rules, the dead heat rule will be applied if the number of winners exceeds the expected amount of winning selections for a specific market.
5. If one or more drivers have to start the race from the pit-lane, he/they will be ranked at the end of the starting grid for settlement purposes.
6. If competitors (which are reflected as dedicated selections) retire in different laps, the number of finished laps is considered for settlement purposes.
Team markets
1. Winner (team), Top x (team) and Head2head (team) are settled with the team which has the best ranked car in the final result.
2. 1st to retire (teams) is settled with the team which retired one car first.
3. Please note: Specific retirement market rules are considered as valid for this market.
4. 1st pit stop (teams) is settled with the team whose car entered the pit-lane first.
5. Please note: Specific pit stop market rules are considered as valid for this market.
6. Team total overtakings is settled based on the accumulated number of overtakings of both cars in the specified team.
7. Please note: Specific overtakings market rules are considered as valid for this market.
Markets for fastest lap
1. The driver who achieved the fastest lap in the specified lap, cluster of laps or race is considered as the winner.
2. The lap time in milliseconds is valid for settlement purposes.
Head2head markets and Winner of group
1. If all competitors (which are reflected as dedicated selections) retire in the same lap, the market will be voided.
2. Markets will be considered void if one of the drivers retires in or before the formation lap.
Markets for overtakings
1. An overtaking needs to be maintained until the end of the lap in order to be considered for settlement purposes.
2. Overtakings during the first lap are not considered for settlement purposes.
3. Overtakings of a specific driver in the same lap when he enters or exits the pit are not considered for settlement purposes.
4. Overtakings of a car in the lap of its retirement are not considered for settlement purposes.
Lapping and unlapping is not considered as overtaking.
Markets for retirements
1. A car is considered as retired for settlement purposes if it doesn’t pass the finish line when the session is considered as completed, unless he is disqualified.
2. If more than 1 competitor retires in the same lap where the first retirement happened, the dead heat rule will be applied.
3. If a car retires in the pit or pit lane, the last started lap is considered for settlement purposes.
Retirement markets only include drivers that start the race.
Markets for pit stops
1. The car which enters the pit-lane first will be considered as winner of this market.
2. If a car enters the pit lane and retires it will still be considered as a pit stop for settlement purposes.
Total finishers market rules
1. A driver is only considered as a finisher for settlement purpose if he passes the finish line when the session is considered as ended.
To Be Classified: The official FIA classification will be used when settling this market. Drivers who complete 90% of the number of laps completed by the race winner will be classified by FIA, and will be classified as winners in “to be classified” betting.