A Crypto wallet is a software program in which crypto tokens are stored. There are a number of crypto wallets to choose from. Some are cloud-based, while others are downloaded to your PC, tablet or smartphone. All of the wallets provide the same functionality, i.e. transferring crypto tokens from one place to another, but each wallet has its own benefits.
Cloud wallets
Cloud wallets are the easiest & most convenient to use. However, when storing your crypto tokens in the cloud you are ultimately handing the responsibility over to the business holding your crypto. Therefore, trust is essential when it comes to storing crypto tokens in a cloud wallet.
The cloud wallets that we recommend are:
Software wallets
Software wallets are downloadable programs that run on your computer, tablet or smartphone. They are considered more secure than cloud wallets because you have total control over them. However, they do still come with their own risks.
The software wallets that we recommend are:
Hardware wallets
A hardware wallet stores your private keys on a secure hardware device. The major advantages compared to software wallets are the immunity to any computer viruses and, since the private keys are often stored in a protected area of a microcontroller, they cannot be transferred out of the device in plain text.
The hardware wallets that we recommend are: